PreventionSalvo Cultrera2015-10-01T12:22:51+00:00
[accordian class=”” id=””][toggle title=”1. Do not smoke and avoid any type of tobacco. ” open=”yes”]It is important to avoid smoking addiction, lowering greatly the probability of developing cancer, especially in the lungs.[/toggle][toggle title=”2. Do not smoke in the house. Passive smoking predisposes children to the development of leukemia and increases the risk of getting sick.” open=”no”]It is also important to follow the directives against smoking in the workplace: this will prevent people who do not smoke are exposed to secondhand smoke of smoking colleagues.[/toggle][toggle title=”3. It is important to maintain a healthy weight or return to our ideal weight.” open=”no”]The excess pounds are due to the type of power too high in protein, this confirmed by numerous studies present, contrary to the claims of the so-called “phony diets” High protein in the body that cause only poisoning.[/toggle][toggle title=”4. Practice exercise every day.” open=”no”]We know very clearly that those who perform daily exercise is less likely to get cancer.[/toggle][toggle title=”5. Follow a healthy diet just on unrefined whole grains, vegetables and fruits on.” open=”no”]It is very important to avoid red meat, we know that the high amount of iron oxidizing within them favors the pathogenesis of cancers of the digestive system, preserved meats, sugars and sugary drinks. Of all the Italian Ministry of Health does not mention it to avoid damaging our food industry; we must make sure that this industry will change its working methods and avoids using the foods mentioned. Finally, we talk about reducing the salt in our diet, but those who follow a diet based on plant needs to add this ingredient so that there is the right amount of sodium, exaggerated in the Mediterranean diet.[/toggle][toggle title=”6. Limit your intake of alcohol.” open=”no”]For cancer prevention is absolutely not recommended intake of drinks containing alcohol.[/toggle][toggle title=”7. Avoid prolonged sun exposure, especially for children, use sunscreens and do not use tanning beds.” open=”no”]Basically the risk of melanoma is in the case of sunburn and not in case of prolonged exposure to the sun; be avoided by the sun, in case not using sunscreens and sun lamps, because of the UV radiation that are emanated and absorbed by the skin.[/toggle][toggle title=”8. Protect yourself from exposure to carcinogens at work.” open=”no”]It is important that they follow the regulations on the safety and the worker must be informed about the chemicals they are using.[/toggle][toggle title=”9. Check if the house you are exposed to high levels of radon radiation.” open=”no”]Radon is a gas emitted by the stone construction and cement; It can cause lung cancer and its effect is added to that of tobacco smokers and increases its susceptibility also in nonsmokers. The more tightly they close our homes, to save on air conditioning and heating, the more will be greater exposure to radon radiation.[/toggle][toggle title=”10. In women, breast-feeding reduces the risk of cancer.” open=”no”]It is important to breastfeed her baby and avoid hormone replacement therapy in menopause, unless there is a strong reason to do so. It is important in this case to use natural progesterone because according to studies is not associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, while the synthetic progestin drugs that pharmaceutical companies produce (brevettandoli and obtaining money) are associated with an increased likelihood of becoming ill.[/toggle][toggle title=”11. Ensure that children be vaccinated for Hepatitis B (infants) and papillomavirus (for girls).” open=”no”]It is recommended to perform these vaccinations because they avoid the formation of liver cancer (hepatitis B virus) or cervical (HPV). Obviously vaccination is not sufficient because it covers only 70% of the virus, being present also other strains, and it is important to perform follow-up examinations (eg. Pap smear).[/toggle][toggle title=”12. Adhere to screening programs for bowel cancer (men and women), breast cancer (women) and cervical cancer (women).” open=”no”]It is important to participate in the programs organized, namely prevention, but are not recommended for those control lung and prostate.[/toggle][/accordian]